Thanks for Buying
First of all, thank you for buying this plugin. To make your experience pleasant, we've added as much info as needed in this documentation. If you're stuck with anything, please refer to support forums.
NOTE : Plugin installation requires a basic knowledge of Zencart structure, its file content and some basic knowledge of PHP coding. If you are novice to both PHP and Zencart contact our support team for paid installation and configuration of plugin, as the plugin does installation does fall under free support.
Please follow this guide carefully to get started with Plugin.
- Fully Supports latest Zen Cart v1.5.8
- Make the Add to cart button to perform with AJAX, without full page reload view demo
- Add products to cart without loading page
- Add multiple products to cart on listing pages using Ajax
- Cart dropdown menu on hover
- Flyout cart for responsive/smaller devices
- Dedicated Ajax Cart sidebox
- Delete/Update items individually using Ajax from shopping cart page
- Display popup with product detail including image
- Faster AJAX reload call when change quantities in Cart page
- Supports latest zencart version 1.5.x
- Support Wokiee - Multipurpose Zen Cart Template
- YOUR-ADMIN/includes/auto_loaders/config.wt_ajaxcart.php
- YOUR-ADMIN/includes/extra_datafiles/wt_ajaxcart.php
- YOUR-ADMIN/includes/init_includes/init_wt_ajaxcart.php
- YOUR-ADMIN/includes/installers/wt_ajaxcart/1_0_0.php
- YOUR-ADMIN/includes/installers/wt_ajaxcart/uninstall_wt_ajaxcart.sql
- includes/auto_loaders/config.wt_ajaxcart.php
- includes/classes/ajax/zcAjaxWTAjaxCart.php
- includes/classes/observers/wt_ajaxcart_observer.php
- includes/classes/wt_ajaxcart.php
- includes/extra_datafiles/wt_ajaxcart_datafiles.php
- includes/functions/extra_functions/wt_template_ajaxcart_functions.php
- includes/languages/english/extra_definitions/wt_ajaxcart.php
- includes/modules/pages/wt_ajaxcart/header_php.php
- includes/modules/sideboxes/wt_ajaxcart_shopping_cart.php
- includes/templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/css/stylesheet_wt_ajaxcart.css
- includes/templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/images/wt-ajaxloader.gif
- includes/templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/images/wt_ajaxcart.png
- includes/templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/jscript/wt_ajaxcart/bootstrap.min.js
- includes/templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/jscript/wt_ajaxcart/wt_ajaxcart-jquery1.12.4.min.js
- includes/templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/jscript/wt_ajaxcart/wt_ajaxcart.php
- includes/templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/jscript/wt_ajaxcart/wt_ajaxcart_functions.js
- includes/templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/sideboxes/tpl_wt_ajaxcart_shopping_cart.php
- includes/templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/templates/tpl_wt_ajaxcart.php
- includes/templates/YOUR-TEMPLATE/auto_loaders/loader_wt_ajaxcart.php
- includes/templates/YOUR-TEMPLATE/jscript/jscript_wt_ajaxcart.php
- Catalog/includes/modules/YOUR_TEMPLATE/product_listing.php
- Catalog/includes/modules/pages/specials/main_template_vars.php
- Catalog/includes/templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/common/tpl_header.php
- Catalog/includes/templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/templates/tpl_shopping_cart_default.php
- includes/functions/extra_functions/wt_template_ajaxcart_functions.php
- includes/languages/english/extra_definitions/wokiee/wt_ajaxcart.php
- includes/modules/pages/wt_ajaxcart/jscript_dynamic_price_updater.php
- includes/templates/wokiee/css/stylesheet_wt_ajaxcart.css
- includes/templates/wokiee/jscript/wt_ajaxcart/wt_ajaxcart.php
- includes/templates/wokiee/templates/tpl_wt_ajaxcart.php
Thank you very much for purchasing! In this document you will find all the information about how to setup and configure this plugin in your Store Installation.
System Requirements
Plugin only supports Zencart 1.5.x which can be downloaded from
Note : Plugin installation requires a basic knowledge of Zencart structure, its file content and some basic knowledge of PHP coding. If you are novice to both PHP and Zencart contact our support team for paid installation and configuration of plugin, as the plugin does installation does fall under free support.
- Find the
directory under the main downloaded package. Check your admin directory name and selected template name then rename the "YOUR-ADMIN" directory and "YOUR-TEMPLATE" under package accordingly.
- Check your admin directory name and selected template name then rename the "YOUR-ADMIN" directory and "YOUR-TEMPLATE" under package accordingly.
- Find the
directory if CSS/JS loader plugin is already installed in your store or go to common-files-without-css-js-loader directory.
- Connect to your server via FTP. Now, upload your files using your FTP client (we recommend using Filezilla) to the store root. Be careful, the store root directory on the server is where your store is installed, not necessarily domain root.
- This will install the WT Ajax AddtoCart module in your theme/store.
- The optional demo files mentioned above is for the user who have done the fresh installation of Zencart and want the demo same as our WT AjaxCart online demo.
- If you are using our Wokiee zencart theme, then WT AjaxCart plugin comes with ready to use seperate Wokiee support package files.
- Please note that you need to install the latest theme version of Wokiee for this plugin to work, if you do not have the latest version download it from your themeforest account under the Downloads section. If you are not using this theme buy it from here Wokiee Zencart Theme
- Now once you have succesfully installed the Wokiee theme, follow the above steps for normal plugin installation, do not install the optional demo files.
- Find the
directory under the main downloaded package. Check your admin directory name and selected template name then rename the "YOUR-ADMIN" directory and "YOUR-TEMPLATE" under package accordingly.
- Find the
directory under the main downloaded package.
- Connect to your server via FTP. Now, upload your files using your FTP client (we recommend using Filezilla) to the store root. Be careful, the store root directory on the server is where your store is installed, not necessarily domain root.
- Find the
directory under the main downloaded package.
- Connect to your server via FTP. Now, upload and replace (for
package files.) your files using your FTP client (we recommend using Filezilla) to the store root. Be careful, the store root directory on the server is where your store is installed, not necessarily domain root.
- This will install the WT Ajax AddtoCart module in your theme/store.
Note : If you are using the plugin on Wokiee
zencart theme then leave the below Edit Files to add "Add to cart" button configuration.
Edit Files to add "Add to cart" button :
- if you want to add the Ajax Add to Cart for Single Product in Product List Page, go to "includes/modules/YOUR_TEMPLATE" directory and open product_listing.php file.
In product_listing.php file around line no #185 and #194 need to add above code as show below image.
- If you are using the plugin on default zencart installation, the package comes with demo files, so you do not have to edit the files for your self. Find the demo-files directory in the main downloaded package. Under the demo-files/catalog/includes/modules directory rename the "YOUR_TEMPLATE" to the actual template name. Similarly rename the "YOUR_TEMPLATE" to the actual template name under demo-files/catalog/includes/templates directory
- Now copy these demo-files to your installation directory maintaining the directory structure.
- This plugin will automatically work for the listing pages like Featured Products listing, New Products Listing, All Products Listing and Category products listing for Multiple Product Add to Cart.
- In shopping cart page too, you can invidually delete or update the products without loading of page.
Go to Admin > Configuration > WT AjaxCart
configuration to start your custom configuration.
Here you can set configuration for WT AjaxCart Configuration.
- The module is disabled by default, you should enable it by setting the value of WT AjaxCart Status to True
- If your site is already using jQuery, leave the second option as false. If your template is already using jQuery, enabling it here might cause conflicts and might cause other scripts to stop working.
- The dimensions of product image in Ajaxcart popup can be set as per your requirement using the Ajaxcart Popup Image Width and Ajaxcart Popup Image Height.
- The popup timeout can also be defined by user as per requirement.
- If your store is already using Boostrap, leave the Enable Boostrap jQuery option as false. If your template is already using Boostrap jQuery, enabling it here might cause conflicts and might cause other scripts to stop working.
External libraries used in this plugin:
for Uninstall Plugin go to WT AjaxCart Downloaded Package and find uninstall.sql
- Delete all uploaded files from your store.
- Patch your database by copying and pasting the contents of uninstall.sql into
Please read log_version_changes.txt
file in main package for full list of files and changes.
Version 1.0.0
-- Initial release
Thanks for using WT AjaxCart - Ajax AddtoCart for Zencart Plugin!
If you have any difficulities or have some other problems with this Plugin you can contact us in the comment section on ThemeForest or through the contact form on our profile page on ThemeForest. The most up-to-date information about support can always be found at:

We provide 24/7 Support!. Please make sure you take a look at the available resources before submitting a support request.
If you have any question / issue you can contact us any time by sending us an email on Email Us